Image Gallery Buttons Copying buttons to your web pages is extraordinarily easy to do in WebExpress. First select a button with the mouse and choose Copy Object from the Edit menu, or press Ctrl-C. Next open the web page where you want to place the button and move the cursor to the location on the page where you want the button to be. Then choose Paste Object from the Edit menu, or press Ctrl-V. Voila. Adding text to buttons You’ll probably want to put some text on the button so people visiting your site will know what it’s for. After pasting the button in your web page, click it once to select it, and choose Create Image Text from the Utilities menu. For more information on using the Image Text Editor, refer to pages 102–104 in the User Guide. Standard-shaped buttons
Special-shaped buttons
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was created with WebExpress version 3.0 on February 19, 1998. Please
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